Please note our daily check-out time schedules as follows:
Check-out the day before departure: 7:30am – 9:30pm
Check-out on your day of departure: 7:30am – 11:00am
Please fill in the Departure Form (which you will receive around 4 days before your departure) and Refund Form, then return to us with your keys during departure.
Please check the following before you leave:
Check your bill.
Call our Customer Service at 2868 0177 to arrange check out in advance. The checkout procedures will be done in your apartment within the listed schedules above.
Leave the Safety Box open.
Return Key Card(s) and /or Privilege Card to Customer Service.
Return the Borrowed Item(s) (e.g traveler adaptor for electric socket) to Customer Service.
Be sure to take all your personal belongings with you.
Please note: any valuable items that left in the unit after your departure will be only kept for one week the maximum (after which they will be disposed of).
To speed up the checkout procedure, please be advised to settle all the outstanding account balances a day before you leave.
The refund process of your rental deposit (if any) usually takes 15 working days to complete after your departure. Please ensure all the information on the Security Deposit Refund Form is correct before your departure.
Rental deposit cannot be used to offset any of your outstanding payment during your departure, however it will cover the cost of damages / loss or bad debts (if any) after your departure.