Hanlun Habitats provides “Pound Washing” and “Dry Cleaning & Laundry” services. Laundry forms are ready in your apartment. The charges will be calculated per pound for “Pound Washing”, and per items for “Dry Cleaning & Laundry” according to the price list on the forms.
Please leave your garments at the Customer Service Desk with the signed form before 09:30 (except public holidays, typhoon 8 or above and/or black rainstorm is hoisted), and your cleaned garments will be returned to your apartment before 17:00 on the next working day.
Hanlun Habitats is not responsible for any damage, loss, shrinkage or fastness of color during the laundry process or for the contents of pockets. Liability is limited to ten times the laundry cost charged. All claims must be made with the laundry list and marking tag(s) on the finished items within 48 hours after returning.
For Pound Washing:
Garments will not be inspected and counted before the process.
Garment will be dried in a tumble drier.
Garment will not be pressed.
For Dry Cleaning & Laundry:
Garments will be pressed.
By signing the form, House Count will be accepted as correct & final