If you ensure that there is a fire, please contact our Customer Service Desk.
If there is a fire in your unit, activate the alarm on your floor.
If you hear the fire alarm, remain alert and prepare yourself to evacuate. If directed to evacuate, leave the room immediately by the nearest exits staircase. Go down and concentrate in front of the building and you will be leaded to the assembly point.
Should there be fire in the lift lobby of your floor, do not open the door if the doorknob is hot. If you see smoke or feel heat, close the door quickly and protect yourself.
Do not attempt to pack belongings. Just bring along your identity documents and keys.
Do not use the elevator in any circumstances.
Do not keep the fire exit door opened.
Always go downstairs and get out of the building if possible. If you cannot go down or leave, get to the roof and notify your rescuers your location.
If there is smoke in the stairway, do not enter. Close the door and go to another stairway. If there are not, return to your unit and protect yourself from smoke.
If you find the temperature rising with increasing smoke in the stairway during evacuation, leave this stairway and go to another stairway.
If it is full of smoke, take short breaths and crawl as close to floor as possible to escape. Air near the floor is less likely to contain smoke and fatal gases.
If you have no alternative but stay in your apartment, turn off the air-conditioner. Call the fire Services Department where you are and then move to the most smoke-free room, soak bedsheets & towels and pack them around the door (or use duct tape to seal cracks around the door and place wet towels at the bottom) and block vents from which the smoke is coming out. Show your rescuers where you are by hanging a sheet from the window.
Both Stairways of back-exit and floor-lobby can bring you down to street level.
For residents who stay on floor 3, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 27, only the stairway of the back-exit (balcony) can reach the roof.
For residents who stay on floor 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, they should use the stairway of the floor-lobby to reach the roof.
Both Stairways of back-exit and floor-lobby can bring you down to street level.
For residents who stay on even number floor, the stairway of floor-lobby can reach the roof.
For residents who stay on odd number floor, only the stairway of back-exit (balcony) can reach the roof.