Standby Signal No.1
Beware that strong winds may occur over offshore waters. Beware of possible swells. Listen to radio and TV broadcasts or browse the Observatory website on the progress of the tropical cyclone.
Strong Wind Signal No.3
Secure all loose objects, particularly those on balconies and rooftops. Flower pots and other objects likely to be blown away should be taken indoors. Stay away from the shoreline and not to engage in water sports. Listen to radio and TV announcements and browse the Observatory website for further information about the tropical cyclone.
Gale or Storm Signal No. 8
Complete all precautions now before gales commence. Lock all windows and doors. Adhesive tape fixed to large window panes in exposed positions will reduce damage by broken glass.
Do not stand near windows on the exposed side of your home. Move all furniture and valuables away from these areas.
Avoid staying in the street. Return home as soon as possible if conditions so permit.
Increasing Gale or Storm Signal No. 9
Stay indoors. Stay away from exposed windows and doors to avoid flying debris. Close all interior doors and make sure children are confined to the least exposed part of your home. Do not touch electrical cables that have been blown loose.
If you are away from home, find a safe place and remain there until the danger is over.
MTR Services on open sections of the Railway, Light Rail and MTR Bus will be suspended immediately if Signal 9 or above is issued.
Railway open sections: Service immediately suspended when Signal 9 or above.
Hurricane Signal No. 10
The same precautions as above apply.
Remember that if the eye of the typhoon passes directly over Hong Kong, there may be a temporary lull lasting a few minutes to several hours. Do not relax your guard, as there will be a sudden resumption of violent winds from a different direction. Remain where you are if protected and be prepared for destructive winds.